
Would winning the lottery make you happier?

Choose the correct answer. Check them clicking on "comments".

                  1. Based on a study of lottery winners, it was found that winning the lottery:
a.       Has little or no effect on long term happiness
b.      Can make you less happy than you were before winning it
c.       Has little effect on the intensity of anger, stress, and sorrow in your life
d.      A and b only
e.      All of the above are good answers

2. The hedonic treadmill:
a.       Discusses our ability to keep working despite wanting to quit
b.      Our continual attempt to make more and more money
c.       Describes our tendency to adapt to a new situation and maintain a stable emotional equilibrium
d.      Makes us less emotionally sensitive to any kind of change
e.      Both c and d

3. Winning the lottery sometimes may not be a wonderful event. What can happen?
a.       It may be difficult to manage large sums of money
b.      A person may spend or lose it all too quickly
c.       It may be socially isolating
d.      It may make you not such a nice person
e.      All of the above

4. The more you spend money on ___________ the happier you will be.
a.       Expensive cars
b.      Food
c.       Experiences
d.      Your home

5. You have received a large sum of money, the best way to ensure your happiness is to:
a.       Immediately spend it on something for yourself
b.      Spend it buying something for someone else
c.       Put it in the bank
d.      All of the above

From: https://ed.ted.com/lessons/would-winning-the-lottery-make-you-happier-raj-raghunathan

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