

Resultado de imagen de clothes

Vocabulary 1

Vocabulary 2  Talking about clothes

English listening test: Clothing and Fashion

Listening: Alex talks about his feelings about clothes and how he gets the clothes he wears.

Listening: Store returns.



Resultado de imagen de order of adjectives
Exercise 1

Exercise 2

Exercise 3


Watch the video and fill in the gaps (up to four words). Check your answers in "comments".

1. Trust Care Limited offers quality homes in _______________________________.
2. Since 2007 they've built a reputation for offering high standards of ______________________________ for older people.
3. This Care Home situated near ______________________________ is staffed ______________________________ and features spacious residents' rooms, optional facilities and ______________________________ every day.
4. They ensure the ______________________________ of their residents.

Read an article about retirement communities.


Resultado de imagen de aging
  • Listen to a lecture about our aging society and choose the right option.
  • Aging out and moving on. Listen and take notes (don't look at the script). Then listen and read. You can choose the listening speed.

Trading Ages

Watch the video and answer the questions. Check your answers in "comments".

1. How does Karoline say she looks after the make-up?
2. What does Karoline do for a living?
3. What did she think about old people before this experience?
4. How old is her boyfriend?
5. What's she obssessed with?
6. What's she going to do?
7. What does her new life as a pensioner imply (three things)?
8. What does the house remind her of?
9. Where's she going to work?
10. How old is the woman working in the till?
11. What does the woman do to be "full of life"?
12. What do the regulars do?
13. What's sad about the job according to the lady at the shop?
14. What did Karoline think about the lady?
15. How does she feel at the end of the day? Why?


December reading test

Resultado de imagen de readingThis is the reading test for December. It's only for students in the 18M group. I'll give a handout to the rest of the students.

Remember you should do it in fifty minutes without using a dictionary. 

Please hand it in by Tuesday 13th December.


Happy Thanksgiving!

1. Why were some people unhappy in England?
2. Where did these people settle down after they left England?
3. What problems did they find there?
4. What was the name of the ship they set out on for America?
5. What problems did they find on board of the ship?
6. HOw long did they sail for?
7. Who was Squanto?
8. What did Squanto teach the pilgrims?
9. why did the pilgrims decide to have a celebration?
10. What did they cook for that celebration?
11. How were the Indians dressed?
12. Where did the first Thanksgiving's feast take place?

Click here to see the answers. (Taken from "English in Lebrija", englishayamonte.blogspot.com by Mercedes JimƩnez, Thank you!)

Watch this video and learn about what people eat on Thanksgiving.

Click here and watch Barack Obama pardoning turkey for the last time as president.



Resultado de imagen de monologuesClick here to see a list of words or phrases you can use in your monologue.

Oral and Writing rubrics

Click here to get to the rubrics and other information about the exam they published last year. We don't know what will happen this course, though.



Resultado de imagen de HEALTH NEWSClick here to see the activity.
Click here to listen to it.


Resultado de imagen de vaccinationClick here to do a listening activity about vaccination programmes in less developed countries.


Resultado de imagen de health and exerciseDo the activities on this lesson to practise vocabulary and do a reading activity about health.

Click here and do the listening activity. Do also the listening activities on pages 4 and 5.