
Trading Ages

Watch the video and answer the questions. Check your answers in "comments".

1. How does Karoline say she looks after the make-up?
2. What does Karoline do for a living?
3. What did she think about old people before this experience?
4. How old is her boyfriend?
5. What's she obssessed with?
6. What's she going to do?
7. What does her new life as a pensioner imply (three things)?
8. What does the house remind her of?
9. Where's she going to work?
10. How old is the woman working in the till?
11. What does the woman do to be "full of life"?
12. What do the regulars do?
13. What's sad about the job according to the lady at the shop?
14. What did Karoline think about the lady?
15. How does she feel at the end of the day? Why?

1 comment:

  1. 1. She thinks she looks terrible, wrinkly and awful.
    2. She's a children's drama teacher,
    3. She's always had trouble with them. They were like aliens (she didn't know anything about them) and scared them.
    4. He's 22 (a toy boy).
    5. With her looks.
    6. She's going to have to confront her fears and prejudices of the elderly. She's going to live like an old woman and be immersed in their world.
    7. Living alone in a new house, no car and no mobile phone.
    8. Her grandmother's flat, but much cleaner.
    9. at the local Help the Aged Charity shop.
    10. 90 in June.
    11. She works at the shop.
    She exercises every morning.
    She looks after her diet and cooks every day fresh (celery, parsley,spinach, garlic).
    12. The regulars tell her what is available to pensioners in the area.
    13. When you stop seeing customers for a while you know what has happened to them.
    14. She was amazing and looked incredible.
    15. She's ready for bed. She's feeling like an old lady. It's been a tiring day; really emotionally and physically draining.
