
Guía del Candidato Pruebas Certificación curso 2018-2019


  Click here to read the instructions for the exam in June and September in "Guía del Candidato".


Day Trip to Alcalá del Júcar

The guided tour will be in English. If you're interested, talk to me as soon as possible. You need to pay to sign up for it. Departure time will be around 9 am. 


Work-life Balance

Resultado de imagen de work-life balanceRead a text and do the activities.

Jobs at risk of being lost to machines

Resultado de imagen de jobs at risk of disappearingClick here to listen and read to a report about jobs at risk.

Here's a newspaper article with a list of jobs where you can see how likely your job is to be computerised.

Click here to read about jobs that will not disappear.


The Gender Pay Chasm

Resultado de imagen de gender pay gapClick here to read a text about The Gender Pay Chasm and here to check your answers.

Modal verbs

Resultado de imagen de modal verbsClick here to learn about modal verbs to express permission, obligation, prohibition, necessity. Do the exercises at the bottom of the page.

Working from home


A new survey shows that people who work from home also take part in a lot of non-work-related tasks but they're also more productive. Anthony Mason and Rebecca Jarvis spoke with
personal finance expert Carmen Wong Ulrich about telecommuting's pros and cons for workers and employers alike.

Watch the video and complete the sentences.

1. A new survey suggests that almost 60% of office workers_______________ at least once a week.
2. Despite all the distractions workers have when they work from home they’re more____________
than their peers who are ______________ in an office.
3. Carmen says the main difference between working in an office and working from home is there are no _________________ anymore.
4. 72% of employees said that if they were on vacation and a boss sent them an email or call, they would pick up and answer. The expectation is that you’re _________________ at any point in time. There’s no 9 to 5 anymore.
5. Still 50% of employers opposed people working at home because they feel they can’t_________
__________ on them.
6. She also says that when you are at the office you also have a lot of _________________________.
7. Advice for employees:
-set boundaries and let your _____________ and ______________ know your preferences.
-watch out for _______________  _________________.
8. Tips for employers:
-set boundaries to have productive employees (____________ and not _______________)
-give your employees some _____________________.

Check your answers in "comments".

Working conditions

Resultado de imagen de working conditionsClick here to listen to Margaret talking about working for a UK company and answer the questions. Read the script here to check your answers.

  1. What are her working hours?
  2. What does she always try to do?
  3. What does she do twice a week? Why?
  4. What are employees encouraged to do?
  5. What’s an ergonomic assessment?
  6. Why’s that important?
  7. What’s important for her at work?
  8. What should the company do according to her?
  9. How does she describe her job?
  10. What didn’t she like about her previous job?
  11. How does she get to job?
  12. What’s her dress code? Why?


Listening activity: 6 short extracts about books

Resultado de imagen de readingClick here to listen to the activity.

Click here to see the script and the answers.


Resultado de imagen de reviewClick here to read about what a review is and see different kinds of reviews and useful phrases you can use to write them.

Click here to see how to write a book or film review. You'll find information about the structure and useful language you can use.

A restaurant review

A place review

A film review (exercise)

A website review (exercise)

Don't forget to click on "reviews" in contents to see more examples of film, book and website reviews.

Written Mediation

Your Irish friend Mike is really interested in learning Spanish. You think reading could be really helpful, but he's not very keen on it. You've just watched an interesting video where they talk about the benefits of reading. Send him an email (90-100 words) summarising the main points mentioned in the video.
Remember you can watch the video twice and take notes. Then you have 15 minutes to write the task.

Duración: 15 minutos (+ 7 min de visionado). Escribir: 90-100 palabras.


work job difference speakspeak.com vocabularyClick here and learn the difference between WORK, JOB and CAREER (there's an exercise at the bottom of the page).

Click here to see a lesson on how to talk about your job in English.

Click here to see an old post with very useful vocabulary to speak about work.

Key Differences Between Job and Work

The following points are noteworthy so far as the difference between job and work is concerned
  1. Activity, performed by an individual for consideration, is called a job. Any activity that involves physical or mental strain, so as to accomplish a goal, is called work.
  2. In the English Language, the word job is a countable noun, that means you can count the number of jobs, but at the same time, the term work is an uncountable noun.
  3. The job is much more specific than work as it represents a regular and official activity whereas work means general efforts made to achieve a result.
  4. A job is performed for a monetary compensation called salary or wages. On the contrary, work may or may not involve monetary compensation.
  5. A job describes your designation in the company, while a work includes all the activities done by you.


Surveillance technology

Click here to watch an old post about the same topic.

Click here to watch another video about other completely different things that security cameras record around the world.

Crime and punishment

Watch the video and answer the questions. Check your answers in "comments".

1. What are the five high school students accused of?
2. What have they been charged with?
3. Who's being held in jail?
4. How are they being tried?
5. What did their lawyers enter?
6. How old was the victim?
7. What did the victim do?
8. Did the victim have children?
9. When did it happen?
10. What happened?
11. What did the suspects do after the incident?
12. How do the teenagers (the defendants*) feel according to their lawyers?
13. What do the defendants face?
14. Is this the only crime they have committed?
15. How does the news reader describe the story?

*Defendant: the person in a trial who is accused of committing a crime, or who is being sued by another person


Cultural talks in English

Resultado de imagen de london mind the gapNext week, on Tuesday 9th there will be two talks in English. They will last approximately 50 minutes each. I hope you can attend them, since it's a great opportunity to practise and learn something interesting!
Click on the topics to see the posters.

British Food- 17.00h Salón de actos de la EOI
London: Mind the Gap - 19.10h Salón de actos de la EOI