
How to write an opinion essay

Resultado de imagen de opinion essayClick here and read the first three points. You'll find ideas about the writing process and useful language you can use.

Here you have a clear outline for this kind of writing activity.



This is the video about squatting in Spain. The answers to the exercise in the photocopy are in "comments".





Sólo durante el horario de préstamo
Resultado de imagen de elarcadenoe albacete logo   


Copyright infringement

Stephen Fry denounces the overly aggressive strategies of the copyright industries as stupid in his speech at the London iTunes festival Summer 2009.

The answers to the exercises in the photocopy are in "comments".

Vocabulary and ideas for your opinion essay (Squatting)

Resultado de imagen de squattersSquatters who live in an unoccupied property should not be forced to leave it 

Well-organised movement
Alternative lifestyle
Anti-political movement
A new class of squatters
Act out of necessity
Rise in unemployment
Cuts in social welfare programmes
To undergo a repossession
High rents
Lack of affordable houses
Empty / vacant / unoccupied houses
Derelict / Run-down buildings
Deprived areas
Property speculators
Evictions / to evict
To report / to file a report / a police report
Housing is a right and a need / an issue of human rights

Click here to read an article about Spain's housing crisis.
Another article about the Corrala movement in Spain. 

Here the latest news about the new laws in Spain.

Ideas and vocabulary for your opinion article (DOWNLOADING)

Downloading music or films without paying is as much of a crime as stealing from a shop

Some vocabulary:

File-sharing networks
A victimless crime
Get free access to
Copyright infringement
Intellectual property
Protect creators’ rights to profits
Audio streaming platforms (eg. Spotify)
A monthly fee / Pay a fair price / a subscription
Legitimate sources of entertainment online
Loss of jobs
The music industry

Some ideas

-          There is a drop in music sales.
-          A loss of jobs in the music industry.
-          It denies musicians the right to profits.
-          There is no incentive to produce new things
-          Illegal downloading places your computer at high risk. Infected files can result in loss of data, slow Internet connection and even identity theft.
-          CDs are obsolete and too expensive- not everyone can afford them
-          You cannot restrict access to ideas, expression, culture
-          Musicians become more popular and more demanded (concerts, shows, merchandising).
-          It is for personal use, you are not redistributing it.
-          It is very convenient.


World Water Day

World Water Day, on 22 March every year, is about focusing attention on the importance of water. 

This year’s theme, ‘Leaving no one behind’, adapts the central promise of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development that as sustainable development progresses, everyone must benefit.

Sustainable Development Goal 6 is crystal clear: water for all by 2030. By definition, this means leaving no one behind. But today, billions of people are still living without safe water – their households, schools, workplaces, farms and factories struggling to survive and thrive. Marginalized groups – women, children, refugees, indigenous peoples, disabled people and many others – are often overlooked, and sometimes face discrimination, as they try to access and manage the safe water they need. This World Water Day, 22nd March, is about tackling the water crisis by addressing the reasons why so many people are being left behind. Get familiar with the issues – why are people being left behind without safe water and what can be done to reach them? 

Explore this year’s theme and browse our collection of stories to find out more: www.worldwaterday.org


London and the rise of violent crime

Watch the news report and fill in the gaps. Check your answers in "comments".

1. 17-year-old Tanesha Melbourne became last night the fifth person _______________   _______________   in the 

capital this year. 42 others have died of knife _______________. 

2. One woman told the reporter privately her son had told her about the postcode wars going on between 

_______________   in the neighbourhood.

3. A local man showed her where his car had been _______________   by a _______________   last year.

4. He says even the police can`t _______________   it.

5. 22-year-old Kobi Nelson was _______________   yards from his home.

6. Also a 16-year-old boy became the sixth _______________    _______________   this year.

7. The local MP has talked to Newsnight about how _______________   have impacted local policing.

8. She says she has stood up in parliament and _______________ and pleaded ministers to give them the police officers 

they have lost to get community intelligence.

9. The number of murders in London have led to _______________   comparisons with New York, a city which has 

dramatically cut its _______________   numbers since the 90s.

10. New York City and London have very similar numbers of officers and _______________.

11. As part of a new serious violence strategy the government recently launched a series of adverts aimed at 

_______________   _______________   crime.

12. It’s also looking into new laws against defensive _______________.

13. The person in charge of a community boxing club says that none of the latest victims were _______________   

_______________ gang members or criminals.

14. He also says it’s easy to blame the government or the parents but it takes a village to _______________   a child.


Resultado de imagen de telling lies

Click here to do a listening activity.  

Listen to Dan and Kate discuss how to tell if someone is lying, how you can cheat a lie detector test and when it might be OK not to tell the truth.

Crime and Punishment

Resultado de imagen de crime and punishmentI. Click here to see vocabulary about this topic.

II. Vocabulary and examples here

Exercise 1

Exercise 2

Exercise 3

Listen to an exchange between a police officer and a criminal and answer the multiple choice questions. 

Listen to another audio passage and answer the multiple choice question.


COLABORA: Recogida de alimentos no perecederos

A.D.S.N.Alumnos de la Facultad de Medicina han solicitado nuestra colaboración en la recogida de alimentos no perecederos para enviarlos al campo de refugiados de Moria en Lesbos, Grecia.
Con ese fin habrá una caja disponible en la Conserjería, planta 5ª.
La campaña de recogida es hasta el día 22 de marzo


Click here to see an informative poster. 

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Resultado de imagen de st patrick's dayClick here to learn some facts about this day.

Try the online quiz, reading, listening and activities on grammar, spelling and vocabulary for this lesson on Saint Patrick's Day.

Mixed Conditionals

Click here to read the grammar and do some exercises.

Click here to see an old entry with a video explaining the use.

Third Conditionals

Click here to watch a video explaining the use of the third conditional.

Another video.

Click here to see a grammar explanation and do some exercises.

Click here to see old posts about the same topic (including pronunciation practice).


Friends: second conditional

Watch the video and do the activities. Check your answers in "comments".
1. Watch the video once. What is it about?

a) She has found some money in the street.
b) They're talking about fashion and shoes.
c) Someone has stolen some money from a bank.
d) She's seen some money in her account and doesn't want to use it.

2. WHILE YOU WATCH - Fill in the blanks.

The blonde girl: It’s alright… Alright… So… Ok, right…

Man in black shirt: Are you OK baby?

The blonde girl: No, I’m just… It’s not even worth… It’s my back.

The girl in black t-shirt: What did they do to you?

The blonde girl: No, it’s just… OK, I’m going for my mail and I open up their monthly statement.

The boy next to blonde girl: Easy, easy.

The blonde girl: And there is 500 hundred dollars extra in my account.

The man with blue shirt: Oh, satan’s minions at work again!

The blonde girl: Yes, because now I’ve got to go there and deal with them.

Man in black shirt: What are you talking about? Keep it!

The blonde girl: It’s not _________ (1)! I didn’t _________ (2) it! If I ____________ (3) it, it 

would be like _________ (4).

The girl in blue blouse: Yeah but if you __________ (5) it, it would be like _________(6).

The blonde girl: Okay, okay… Let’s say, I bought a great pair of __________(7), do you know what

 I’d _________ (8) with every step I took??? “Not mine, not mine, not mine”.

Even if I was ___________(9) and skipping, I’d hear: “Not not mine, not not mine”.

The girl in black t-shirt: I’m with you. We got it!

The blonde girl: It’s just like I would never be able to __________(10) it. It would be like giant

 karmic death.

A perfect day: second conditional

Resultado de imagen de perfect dayClick here to listen to a woman talking about her perfect day.


Online shopping- Reading activity

Resultado de imagen de shopping onlineClick here to do a reading activity about this topic (the key is included).