
Global Warming

This is the video in the photocopy. Check your answers in "comments".

Click on "environment" in content and do more listening comprehension activities related to the topic of looking after the environment.

1 comment:

  1. 1. The process by which the planet’s temperature is rising unusually fast, according to scientists because of human activity.
    2. Greenhouse gases are both, natural and those caused by factories, power plants and cars when they burn fossil fuels such as oil and coal.
    3. – 1998 was the warmest year in measured history, with 2005 coming in second.
    - How much the arctic sea ice has declined in the last 30 years.
    - The degrees Fahrenheit that researchers predict that temperatures will increase by the end of the century.
    4. They could flood coastal areas around the world.
    5. - hurricanes more frequent
    - severe droughts could become more common in warm areas
    - species unable to adapt to the changing conditions would face extinction.
    6. - saving energy around the house,
    - switching to compact fluorescent light bulbs
    - driving fewer miles in the car each week
