

Watch the video ‘How to treat a nosebleed’ and complete the gaps. Check your answers in "comments".
Noses can bleed for various reasons:
- a hit in the __________________ or ____________________.
-it can be really _________________________.
You have to call the doctor right away if:
-you suspect _______________ __________________
-if the bleeding is __________________ or _________________ coloured.
If it’s a less serious nosebleed you have to:
 -__________________ the __________________ part of your nose with your thumb and forefinger for___________________ minutes and lean _________________.
-If you lean back the blood can drain down your __________________ and can gag you, make you uncomfortable and you’ll _________________.
-If it’s still bleeding do the same. If after doing it twice more it doesn’t stop, you need to _____________ _________________ about that.
-If you suspect your nose’s been broken because it’s ________________ or it looks _______________, get it checked out.
-Afterwards you can put ice to your nose and ______________ to help with the ________________ and the ____________, but stay away from _______________ because it can make the bleeding worse.
-If you have other symptoms like confusion, _______________ or slurred _________________ or people not _______________ like themselves, especially after head trauma, call your doctor.

1 comment:

  1. nose /head
    head trauma
    thin / yellow
    pinch / soft
    10 / forward
    see somebody
    misshapen / different
    cheeks / swelling / pain
    dizziness / speech / acting
