

- Listen to a job interview (don't look at the script) and do the task at the bottom of the page.

- Watch this video and answer the questions (check your answers in "comments").
Tweak: /twiːk/  INFORMAL to make small changes in order to improve something
Slouch: /slaʊtʃ/ to sit, walk, or stand with your shoulders bent forwards and your head low so that you look lazy

  1. What is the purpose of this video?
  1. What does it look like if you slouch in the chair and fold your arms? 
  1. What is the impression you give if you keep your body open and lean forward?
  1. What are two examples of things that can make you appear anxious or nervous? 
  1. What does palm upwards signify?
  1. How long do you have to wait before mirroring the interviewer?
  1. Don’t stare at the interviewer. How long should you look at their eyes? 
  1. What facial features should you avoid touching?
  1. What happens if your handshake is too firm?
  1. What do you need to worry about if you put all these tips into practice in your next interview?
- If you are interested in learning more about job interviews you can also watch this video (the first part is transcribed "ver más" and for the rest you can use the subtitles).

1 comment:

  1. 1.The aim is to look at the messages you’ve been sending out with your body language and how to change them to improve them (how to tweak them) and send the right signals at your next interview.
    2. It looks like you’re making yourself smaller (wrapping yourself up).
    3. That you’re interested.
    4. Jingling about / keeping changing your body posture / playing with the button of your shirt / your ring / other objects
    5. It signifies that what you’re saying is honest and trustworthy.
    6. 10 seconds
    7. About three seconds. Enough time to see the colour.
    8. Your nose, your mouth, your ears, your sideburns.
    9. You look too dominant.
    10. About what you are actually going to say.
