
You can learn anything!

Watch the video and complete the sentences or answer the questions. Check your answers in "comments".

1. Nobody is __________________________.
2. We all __________________________.
3. Nobody is __________________________ at first.
4. What couldn't Einstein do once?
5. What did Shakespeare have to do?
6. Thankfully, we're born __________________________.
7. One idea __________________________.
8. Each wrong answer making __________________________ a little stronger.
9. __________________________ is another word for __________________________.
10. __________________________ is knowing that you'll get it even if you haven't got there yet.
11. The most complex concepts are built __________________________.
12. Whoever you are, wherever you are, you only need to __________________________: you can learn anything.

1 comment:

  1. 1. born smart
    2. start at zero
    3. good at anything
    4. He couldn't count to ten.
    5. He had to learn his ABCs, just like the rest of us.
    6. to learn
    7. on top of the next
    8. your brain
    9. Failing / growing
    10. Learning
    11. on basic ideas
    12. to know one thing
