
Extreme Sports

1. Click here to do a listening activity about the topic.

2. Mountain Climber

Listen and fill in the gaps with the correct information (one word in each gap). Check your answers in "comments".

-On her expedition , she become aware of the feelings of _________________ and _________________ connected with mountaineering.

- She had previously taken part in several so-called _________________  _________________ 

- She found the _________________   _________________  for climbing Everest particularly hard.

- She was particularly worried about the _________________   _________________  she would have to climb through

-She says you cannot take any of the _________________  of life with you on Everest.

- On her first trip there, she regretted taking her _________________  with her.

- When she climbed Everest, she left her _________________  after a certain point.

-She says you mustn't waste _________________ when you are on the mountain.
-When they reached the top, they had a sensation of _________________ _________________ 

-Her book about climbing Everest is called _________________  _________________  _________________  _________________ _________________ 

1 comment:

  1. 1. freedom / achievement
    2. adventure sports
    3. mental preparation
    4. ice fall
    5. luxuries
    6. perfume
    7. toothbrush
    8. fuel
    9. shared excitement
    10. On Top of the World
