
Jocelyn Bell Burnell

Watch the video and answer the questions. Check your answers in "comments".

1. What was very clear to her?
2. What other two things did she find interesting? Why?
3. What does smart economy recognize?
4. Who inspired her? Why?
5. What happens in the English-speaking world according to her?
6. How is this different in other countries?
7. How does she describe science?
8. What did she want to be? When did she know it?
9. What’s her piece of advice?

1 comment:

  1. 1. She was good at science.
    2. She was also interested in architecture because her father was an architect and
    that's half science, and half design.She was also interested in archaeology because there's a lot of science in that too.
    3. Science and engineering are incredibly important and those are the people that really drive the economy.
    4.She didn't need anybody to inspire her. She just liked it because she was good at it.
    5. More boys than girls feel it appropriate to do physics. Girls still face comments like
    it's not a subject for girls.
    6. In other parts of the world many many girls do physics more than boys, and enjoy it
    and do it successfully.
    7. She's always found science to be immense fun.She's enjoyed it hugely. It's been enormously interesting and enormously varied.
    8. She wanted to be a radio astronomer and she knew it halfway through secondary school.
    9. To hang in and see how it develops.
