
Happy Thanksgiving!

The Story of Thanksgiving. Watch the video and fill in the gaps (check your answers in "comments").

The year was ________________________ (1). It was a normal day for me, sitting on the beach, getting some sun, ________________________ (2) my own business when lo and behold along comes this boat.

So the pilgrims got off the boat and began the hard work of ________________________ (3) a settlement in the New World. Now, I don't know  ________________________ (4) it was to try to build a settlement at the beginning of winter but ________________________ (5)the pilgrims had it ________________________ (6).

Finally came and the pilgrims went out to ________________________ (7). God had heard ________________________ (8) and sent along one of the ________________________ (9) to help them- an English-speaking Indian by the name of Squanto.

Add lots of hard work and working together with their new friends, the Indians. By the end of the ________________________ (10), they had an abundant ________________________ (11).

The tradition of Thanksgiving began and now people get together and eat and thank God for his ________________________ (12). 


  • Lo and behold - Used for introducing something surprising that you're about to tell or show someone.
  • Hereby - Used for stating that something said or written in a statement or document is now official or for emphasizing what you're saying.

Click here to do another listening activity using a video from "Friends".

There are more posts about this topic (see "contents") where you can learn about the food they eat and more historical facts.

Integrative Medicine

This is the video for the photocopy I gave you in class. Check your answers in "comments".



How to talk about science and technology


Click here to see an old entry about this topic.
Resultado de imagen de 3d printer


Listen and read some sentences related to health.

Do a vocabulary exercise here.

The future of medicine

A. Watch this video and answer the questions (check your answers in "comments").

  1. Why are billions of people alive today?
  2. What do we have treatments for today?
  3. In which fields have there been breathtaking advances?
  4. Where did this work originate?
  5. Who support this work?
  6. What has science made in the last centrury?
  7. What kind of future does the speaker imagine?
B. Watch the next video to see how technology is changing the healthcare system.

C. Watch the following video and fill in the gaps (you need between one and three words). Check your answers in "comments".

Robot-assisted surgery

- The Vinci Surgical System is a tool that allows us to do more _______________ (1) surgery through very small incisions.
- Smaller incisions speed _______________ (2).
- The surgeon is always in _______________ (3).

Metro medical glue

- Trauma patients with severe _______________ (4) need help fast and Metro medical glue will stop it in about _______________ (5).
- It can be used both _______________ (6).
- Metro will eliminate the need for stitching, for staples, and will _______________ (7) the procedure
- According to researchers at Harvard and Sydney universities, it's ready for _______________ (8).

The Excel white 3d printed cast system

- It promises _______________ (9) and a quicker recovery. T
- The patient's bone is scanned and a custom _______________ (10) cast is made in about a minute.
- It even has a sensor to monitor the _______________ (11).
- The company says they're close to_______________ (12).


A blog comment

You have decided to comment on this blog post. In your blog comment you should: 
• comment on Andrea's point of view 
• state your own opinion 

Write only between 50 and 60 words!

The last day to upload your comment is Wednesday 27th November.

Hecho con Padlet


Talking about technology

Click here to see some vocabulary in use.

Look at how to answer some technology related questions and the vocabulary you can use. 


Resultado de imagen de fomo

1. Click here to do a listening activity about FOMO (Fear of Missing Out).

2. Are people spending too much time on their computers. Listen to a lecture about IAD (Internet Addiction Disorder) and do the exercise. You can also read the script.


Written Mediation- La tecnología de la addicción

This is the video you need to watch to do the written mediation for next week. Watch it twice and take notes. Use your notes to do the task. You have 15 minutes and should write only between 90 and 100 words.

You have attended a talk about the addiction to new technologies organized by the IT department of your daughter’s school and you’ve watched an interesting video about this topic. You have a Welsh friend with a daughter of the same age and think the content of the video can be useful for him/her. Write him/her an email telling him/her the main ideas in the video.


30th Anniversary of the Fall of the Berlin Wall

Artists look back at the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989. Video installations across the city use historical footage projected onto significant buildings to bring the past back to life. Other artworks also evoke the years when Germany was divided.


Reply questions

Question tags

Auxiliary Verbs

Resultado de imagen de auxiliary verbs usesClick here to review the uses of auxiliary verbs.

Click here to see a slide presentation.

Do an exercise here.

Indirect questions

Image result for indirect questions
1. Watch a video about indirect questions.

2. Read the grammar and try the exercises at the bottom of the page.


Addictions and obsessions

1. Listen to six people talking about what they're addicted to.

2. Watch this video in which a man speaks about his addiction to the Internet and fill in the gaps. (Check your answers in 'comments').

Well, I’m Sean and I’m an (1)_________ _________. It pains me to say this, but I’m addicted to (2)_________. I (3) _________ my status every hour and have to (4) _________ _________ _________ with my friends.
I’m also addicted to “FarmVille”, and I have  (5)_________ _________ but still need a (6) _________, so if someone can please give me a  (7)_________, I’d be happy.
One more thing is I’m addicted to (8) _________ _________. My wife is filing for (9)_________ and “I love you Gertrude, please don’t do that”. And she’s doing it because I spend all my money on (10)_________ _________. And another problem is that we have (11)_________ _________ and the house is going to be, was, on the (12)_________. It’s gonna be *foreclosed, so I really love you Gertrude but, please just don’t (13) _________ _________. All I need just is one (14)_________, that one (15)_________ *to hit it big.
So I’m here to say that. I’m here to make a change, because if I can make this change and make (16) _________ _________ _________ ,that means my wife will come back to me.
And I just want to say, if you’re addicted to the Internet, just (17) _________ _________ you don’t become (18)_________ and (19)_________ like I am right now. Thank you.

*Foreclose: take possession of a mortgaged property when the mortgagor fails to keep up their mortgage payments
*hit it big Slang: To be successful

3. Video game debate: now watch another video in which a woman and a man give their opinions about  videogames. Answer the questions and check in 'comments'.

The woman is against videogames because:
The man completely disagrees with her because:
The only negative aspect for him is: 

4. Listen to five speakers talking about their obsessions and match them with the right answer A, B, C, D or E. Check your answers in "comments".

How to

Click here to see the activity of the "Stripy Tiger" recipe we did in class and review sequencers.



Curso Académico 2019-2020
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Para solicitar el carné sigue los siguientes pasos: (excepto alumnos de That´s English: soliciténlo a su profesor) 
1. Manda un correo electrónico a la siguiente dirección: bibliotecaeoi@gmail.com
En el mensaje indica tu nombre completo, apellidos, NIF y el curso al que perteneces. Indica también si solicitas el carné por primera vez o es una renovación.
2. Espera a recibir un email de confirmación (entre una y dos semanas)
3. Una vez recibido, recoge tu carné en SecretarÍa (consulta horario) y lleva en el momento una fotografía tamaño carné (si no tienes una en Delphos-papás)
4. Una vez sellado en Secretaría ya puedes venir a la Biblioteca y pedir material en préstamo. ¡Te esperamos!

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Responsable Biblioteca Eoi


De 10:00 a 11:00
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NOTA: El servicio de préstamo de esta biblioteca es atendido únicamente por profesores de esta EOI.